
Since 1964 NUCA has been the voice of underground utility and excavation contractors, serving as the driving force for improving conditions in the underground utility construction industry, for both open-cut and trenchless contractors. NUCA represents more than a thousand contractors, suppliers, and manufacturers in the water, sewer, gas, electric, telecommunications, and other underground construction industries across the country. NUCA unites the industry so that together we can more effectively address common problems and strengthen construction markets and profitability for everyone. NUCA is a unique member-driven organization, and the direction and focus is set by the contractor members. Because NUCA is the leader in the underground utility construction industry, members set the course for the entire industry.

NUCA provides members with the latest, most accurate news as soon as it happens – often before the information is public. NUCA staff is involved in shaping policy with government agencies while gathering the news and background information contractors need to operate their businesses successfully and efficiently. NUCA publishes: Utility Contractor magazine; the NUCA Buyer’s Guide (a comprehensive listing of member and nonmember manufacturers and suppliers and their products and services); The Washington Report, NUCA’s biweekly update for  members, providing up-to-the-minute information and insider analysis on pending legislative and regulatory actions in Washington; NUCA Safety News a bimonthly members-only newsletter on safety management and technical information to reduce lost employee time, enhance worker productivity, and save lives; Annual Membership Directory, free to members, and; Legislative Alerts to rally members for immediate grassroots action.

NUCA is the leading voice for the underground utility construction industry on Capitol Hill, at the White House, and at federal agencies, including OSHA, EPA, and DOT. NUCA assists in the development of legislation that benefits the utility construction industry, and monitors the legislative and regulatory issues that affect industry business, and your bottom line. NUCA’s premier lobbyists work tirelessly to ensure that our industry’s goals are well known on Capitol Hill. These include increased funding for water and wastewater infrastructure projects, tax relief for family-owned businesses, regulatory relief for small construction businesses, and the need for federal regulations to be backed with sound science. NUCA administers and actively participates in coalitions with other business and construction industry trade groups to advance underground construction interests and keep the burden of government regulations from affecting your bottom line.  Through NUCA’s standing committees and ad hoc task forces, members guide the association in setting policy and developing programs that benefit the underground utility construction industry. Members are encouraged to lend their knowledge and insights by participating in NUCA’s Education, Government Relations, Insurance & Documents, Political Action, Safety, and other committees.

NUCA’s Safety Department provides underground utility contractors with the information, educational programs, and technical assistance they need to establish and implement a successful safety program. Regulations and compliance issues at OSHA, DOT, and EPA change constantly but NUCA keeps abreast of the latest requirements and compliance issues. NUCA’s VP for Safety, a certified safety professional, provides telephone consultation and technical assistance on safety compliance issues. NUCA-approved instructors provide competent person and confined-space entry training nationwide. Annually, NUCA sponsors a Safety Directors Forum to build awareness of workplace safety issues. NUCA has made many of its safety products and services available in Spanish. NUCA offers many benefits. To learn more go to or call 1-800-662-6822.